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Sales and Marketing
Fisheries Management

SR - mjöl hf
Kringlan 7
103 Reykjavík

Phone: +354 520 3300
Fax: +354 520 3399

E-mail: info@srmjol.is
The Company Profile  >  Environmental Policy
SR-mjöl. Environmental policy


SR-mjöl hf. will endeavour to base its business on the sale of products from stocks of fish which are utilized in a sustainable and responsible manner. This utilization will be based on a proper fishery management system involving independent scientific assessment and managed by governmental or international bodies. The company will not sell products of endangered or protected species as specified by legislation of the international organizations of which Iceland is a member.

The Icelandic fishing grounds are practically pollution-free due to their geographical location and the country’s small population.  SR-mjöl hf. recognises the need to maintain the purity of the fishing grounds by protecting them from global pollution and to this end will support international effort in this field.  The company will play an active part in monitoring the fish stocks with regard to heavy metals, radioactive substances and persistent organic pollutants.

All plants which SR-mjöl is representing on the market, must aim to be leaders in the fishmeal industry with respect to reducing their effect on the environment. To this end they will comply with all national laws and regulations pertaining to the fishmeal industry. This applies particularly to energy consumption, waste treatment and air exhaust.